How to Pay Your HOA Assessment Fees
2025 Monthly HOA Fee: $110
Payment Methods
Check Payment
Place your check in the HOA Dropbox, located in the middle of the community.
Bank Bill Pay Service
Set up payment through your bank or credit union and have the check mailed
Spring Hollow HOA
1094 Overview Way
West Jordan, UT 84084
Due Date
Monthly HOA Assessment Fees are due and payable no later than the first of the month. If
you’d like to pre-pay, you’re more than welcome! Some homeowners choose to pre-pay a
couple of months (or more) in advance, depending on their budget or household needs.
Grace Period and Late Fees
A 10-day grace period is provided each month. If payment is not received by the 10th, a
$25 late fee will be added to your account.
Past Due Payments
If your account becomes past due, you will receive a statement in the mail with the
balance and any applicable fees.
If you have any questions, please contact the HOA treasurer at: